Our Staff

Listed below are the names of the staff currently employed by the school and their individual job descriptions.

Principal Rob Horwood
Deputy Principal Aimee Gale
Secretary Nalika Thilakaratne
School Bursar Maria D’Angelo

Classroom Teachers
Prep A Bianca Campli
Prep B Mary-Anne Sammut
1/2 C Angela Foale & Suzan Atyimas
1/2 D Chiara Pascuzzi
1/2 E Leanne Cairns & Amanda Jolly
3/4 F Anthony Adaman & Eska Ta
3/4 G Adriana Di Petta
3/4 H Carmel Wood
5/6 I Melissa Sedony & Jessica Brophy
5/6 J Daniel Cotesta
5/6 L Lora Tomasiello

Specialist & Support Staff
Librarian & IT Support Kaye Gregory
Italian Toni Di Petta
Physical Education Frank Stokes
Music/ Performing Arts                       

Visual Arts                               

Cathy Ellis


Suzan Atyimas

Maths Intervention Teacher



Literacy Intervention Teacher

Cathy Verbyla

Eska Ta


Amanda Jolly

STEM Coach   Anthony Adaman
Student Wellbeing Angela Foale
Learning Diversity Patricia Zomer
Student Support Staff Despina Cerbone

Andrea Crossan

Vicki Gentile

Jane Hall

Vicki Hatzinikolaou

Yvette Hernyak

Joanne McKenzie – McHarg

Kayleen McLean

Madelym Alvarez-Claridge

Positions of Responsibility
Religious Education Leader Anthony Adaman
Teaching & Learning Leader Aimee Gale
Senior Literacy Leader Amanda Jolly
Junior Literacy Leader Angela Foale
Mathematics Leader Aimee Gale
Digital Technology Leader Kaye Gregory
Student Wellbeing Team Patricia Zomer

Rob Horwood

Aimee Gale

Angela Foale

Level Leaders
Prep Level Leader Mary-Anne Sammut
Yr 1/2 Level Leader Angela Foale
Yr 3/4 Level Leader Adriana Siomos
Yr 5/6 Level Leader Lora Tomasiello