Specialist Subjects & Intervention Support

St Leonard’s provides for the learning needs of its students by employing specialist teachers in the following areas:

Music/Performing Arts

The Performing Arts teacher gives a formal lesson to each class once per week. The lesson will always involve singing and movement of some sort. The Performing Arts teacher also conducts choir sessions each week. All children in years 1-6 are actively encouraged to be part of the choir who perform at different times throughout the year. The Performing Arts teacher also coordinates the biennial whole school concert production held on the odd years (ie 2021).

Visual Arts

The school employs a Visual Arts teacher who gives lessons to all classes each week. The Visual Arts teacher uses a variety of mediums in the classes such as paint, textiles, and pottery. The Visual Arts teacher also coordinates the Biennial whole school Art Show held in the even years (ie 2022),


St Leonard’s employs an experienced Italian teacher who is responsible for delivering the Language Program to all children.  Each class has one formal lesson per week.  The teacher also coordinates a biennial Italian Day which is a celebration of the cultural aspect of the children’s studies.

Physical Education (PE)

St Leonard’s employs a qualified Physical Education teacher who takes each class in the school for a formal PE session each week. The PE teacher is also responsible for the Interschool Sports program that operates in Year 5 & 6 throughout the year. The PE teacher coordinates an annual Athletics Carnival.


The school employs a qualified Teacher-Librarian who is not only responsible for running the library but who also gives formal library lessons to each class on a weekly basis.

Learning Diversity Leader

The Learning Diversity Leader is employed for a variety of roles within the school. In addition to offering assistance to those children identified as having special needs the Learning Diversity Leader works with a large team of learning support staff who implement Personal Learning Plans for those children identified as being in need. This team under the direction of the Learning Diversity Leader is heavily involved in daily Literacy & Numeracy sessions working with students of varying ability.

Numeracy Intervention Teacher

St Leonard’s employs two Numeracy Intervention Teachers who specifically work with those children identified through testing to be in need of assistance in the area of mathematics.  This assistance may be for students who have learning needs or for students who need extension.

Differentiated Universal Early Literacy (DUEL) Model at St. Leonard’s

St. Leonard’s has developed a model of teaching in the junior school that enables us to offer all students high-quality, instruction in a program tailored to meet their emerging Literacy needs. In this model, all students receive explicit, differentiated instruction based on their level of development. Students with learning difficulties or diagnosed conditions who require extra support are able to access continuous targeted teaching during their first three years of schooling.

Personalised Learning Programs

Personalised Learning Programs are available for students with specific learning difficulties. These programs are delivered by teachers and Learning Support Staff who are trained by professional Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists and the Literacy, Numeracy and Learning Diversity Leaders. Programs are delivered in Reading, Numeracy, Oral Language (receptive language, expressive language and articulation) Fine Motor Skills and Social Skills.

Learning Support Staff

Learning Support Staff are employed on a needs basis.  At present we have ten staff who work under the direction of the Learning Diversity Leader.  The support staff work within the classroom settings or in the Wellbeing Centre.  They either support one child or more generally a small group of children with the same identified need.

School Counsellor/Child Psychologist

St Leonard’s employs a highly skilled psychologist who works at the school one day per week. The counsellor is available to work with students in a safe and confidential environment supporting issues related to self-esteem, social and behavioural issues, bullying and peer relationships and grief and loss.  The counsellor is also adequately equipped to direct parents and staff onto other outside agencies.